Thank you Duncan, no the slot end can be round and it would look better for it I think, as yet undecided.
So you suggest like chain drilling, but maybe overlapping each hole, then cleaning up with a skim as you suggest?
Thanks Martin, yes I'm aware of this as for work I have used a wood router many times. That's not to say I fully understand it so shall certainly read the link you sent!
If my metal stock is held horizontal will I be better off with the end I'm cutting overhanging the end of the vice so I can cut right through, or support on parallels within the vice.
I'm thinking if its hanging out the side of the vice the thin sides may spread when cutting resulting in an uneven width slot,
Likewise if fully supported within the vice maybe the jaws could push the thin sides inwards?
That said I'm leaning towards having it fully supported but very greatfull to hear from those with experience!