Silver soldering Torch size


Silver soldering Torch size

Home Forums Beginners questions Silver soldering Torch size

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      Fully understand, the "I made it myself" factor is important to me too.

      With the silver soldering, my experience is that you will get significantly more benefit from buying sufficient fire-bricks to largely or fully surround your joints, than you will from spending the commensurate amount on a larger/more powerful torch.

      Also, if you have space to store an additional small cylinder, then oxy-propane (using a standard BOC/Murex oxy-acetylene torch converted over by screwing in an £8 propane mixer) is an awful lot easier to use when trying to heat bigger workpieces. As people are going off Oxy Fuel welding, barely used outfits can be had second hand for less than the price of a decent propane only torch.

      If you're an infrequent user then a 10lt oxygen cylinder from Adams Gas (or hobbyweld, who aren't as cheap) is actually very economically priced.

      Edited By Jelly on 23/10/2022 22:27:28

      Peter Cook 6

        To provide an update on my (very slow) progress on this part of the clock. I took the advice to find a local welder who MIG welded the parts for me. My wife’s reaction to my  plan to buy a MiG welder or large propane torch was the  most convincing argument!!

        The frame is finally “finished”, there is a fair amount of cosmetics to do, but its square, level and all in one piece.

        Finished frame

        The frame overall is very tight to deal with on my little mill. However with judicious clamping I was (almost) able to machine the top face in one go

        Machining Top Face

        The feet were however too far apart for the travel  and throat of the mill, so they had to be dealt with in pairs.

        Machining Feet

        All is well and the frame awaits the construction of the next bits.

        not done it yet

          Maybe not important for this but remember that silver solder is available as differing melting points so that soldering ‘extras’ is easier.

          One point, in an earlier post, mentioned a large gas bottle being stored in a garage.  That is not permissible if that garage is attached to a habitable building.  Adequate ventilation is required for propane storage – as, like butane, it is more dense than air, an explosion risk (but at a considerably higher pressure).

          Ramon Wilson

            Peter – I have sent you a PM


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