I have just had to abandon four cylinder drain cocks, which were to be silver soldered assemblies. I had some "Unicast Holfos B" in stock for the bodies and had intended to silver solder in some brass connections. Suffice to say that after a couple of attempts the solder just does not want to wet the bronze. On the second attempt, I pickled the bronze bodies for a couple of days – after which they were BLACK. My chemistry is not great, but I wonder if Holos B contains lead?
Holfos B is an old specification (I can remember it but don't have any reliable information on the chemical analysis – but guessing the "….fos" is phosphor.
To avoid clogging this thread with the obvious suggestions, I have been model engineering for 50 years now, so have done a bit of silver soldering along the way.
So – are there certain grades of bronze that are best avoided for silver soldering? And if so, what others (apart from Holfos B) should be avoided, as quite a few contain lead? Or maybe this is just a one off disaster?
Hoping to be enlightened.