5 thou sounds a lot. If you put an end cap in position and hold the barrel vertical will the cap fall out? They want to be a close sliding fit. Otherwise the solder can run straight through the gap and out the other end. I believe the advice to leave a gap for silver solder (and Loctite!) has caused more grief with boilers than any other thing. You need some gap, of course, but not much. I learned that lesson after much anguish and waste of ss.
I would pickle, rinse, assemble, and flux generously, set vertical, solder one end flange, stay and nut, set other end vertical and repeat, then set horizontal and do the bushes. If not confident, or worried about flux exhaustion, do one operation at a time, cooling and pickling between steps. My similar Ellie boiler has plain stay without thread or nut; they are unnecessary and just more work.