Posted by john fletcher 1 on 07/12/2021 14:49:04:
… when Men were men, … they used "Plumbers Black" as a resist. …I live where it was made and sold, and have tried for several years to find out what it composed of. …
Henley's 20th Century Formulas, Processes and Trade Secrets says:
a protective mass consisting essentially of carbon (graphite, coke or charcoal), powdered talc or asbestos, ferric hydrate (with or without ferrous hydrate) and, if desired a little Aluminium Oxide, together with a a binding agent of the customary kind (glue solution, beer).
Example recipe: Graphite, 50 parts; powdered coke, 5 parts; powdered talc, 5 parts, glue solution, 2.5 parts; drop beer, 2.5 parts; ferric hydrate, 10 parts; aluminium oxide, 5 parts.
By glue, they mean animal glue made from bone and sinew. Drop Beer seems to be low-alcohol beer, less than 0.5%
I could only find Ferric Hydrate – modern name Iron(iii) Hydroxide – sold as a laboratory reagent. £104 for 5g, ouch!
Might be possible to make your own cheaply by mixing garden centre Iron Sulphate with Caustic Soda. I don't suppose it needs to be pure.