If you can find the first editing (rather than 'first edition'
of 'The Complete Car Modeller' by Gerald Wingrove there is an excellent section on using a range of silver solders to build up the fantastic brass engine detail in his models…this remains, for me, the best silver solder guide that exists. The points made include using the temp range of solders well and also the fact that when you re-heat silver solder to melting point a slightly higher temp is required. All of this, of course, applies to the old solder ranges containing cadmium.
…..I think (if I recall) that the later versions of the book do not have the excellent silver solder treatise of the first version, sadly. I have never been a car modeller but the Wingrove books are a treasure trove for all artisans including model makers, jewellers, silver smiths, and even clock makers….
Edited By Bob Stevenson on 07/09/2017 17:56:09
Edited By Bob Stevenson on 07/09/2017 18:04:52