Silicon bronze MIG brazing


Silicon bronze MIG brazing

Home Forums Workshop Techniques Silicon bronze MIG brazing

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  • #738375
    Speedy Builder5

      Just been looking at a US video of Silicon bronze MIG brazing which is an old technique brought up to date.

      45 years ago, I was doing this using a single carbon arc and silicon bronze filler wire for car repairs on rusty steel panels using an oil filled OXFORD MAG welder with a low voltage carbon arc tapping.  It seems to have been brought up to date with an improved wire and Argon gas as the shield for use with MIG welders.

      The filler wire is about £45 for a 1Kg reel which doesn’t seem too expensive especially when you want to join say copper to stainless steel and produce a strong joint without undue distortion.

      It also seems to be possible to use it with a moderately priced MIG setup,  so has anyone tried it and how did you get on?


      Speedy Builder5

        No MIG brazers out there then ?


          TiG….and struggling to find a sensibly priced source of argon for the occasional Al welding that I do.

          Nicholas Farr

            Hi Bob, never done any MIG brazing, but in my last day job, I did have to do some repairs on a Go-cart that had been MIG brazed with brass filler wire, but had to do it with Oxy-acetylene, as the firm didn’t have that type of filler wire, and they weren’t prepared to buy any for a one of job. The original MIG brazing was very neat though.

            Regards Nick.

            noel shelley

              The cost of consumables has risen as have most things,so the cost of Argon and the bottle rental Etc are part of the price of a job be it paying or part of the hobby. The £130rental + the gas for a year To be able to weld ali, Stainless Etc by MIG or TIG I just pay. BUT the cost of the equipment has fallen considerably, many would be unable to MIG or TIG otherwise ? swings and roundabouts ? Noel.

              Kiwi Bloke

                I haven’t done any MIG brazing, but have done quite a few feet of of TIG brazing, with silicon bronze, recently. It seems to be a little-known or little-used technique around here, but I find it’s easier than TIG welding, being quicker and with no risk of burning through thin sheet, and accompanied by less distortion. The filler is, however, pretty expensive here in NZ.

                Nick Wheeler
                  On simondavies3 Said:

                  TiG….and struggling to find a sensibly priced source of argon for the occasional Al welding that I do.

                  Find your nearest Hobbyweld dealer. The gas is about the same cost as from BOC, but there’s no annual rental on the cylinder or collection/delivery charges.

                    On Nick Wheeler Said:
                    On simondavies3 Said:

                    TiG….and struggling to find a sensibly priced source of argon for the occasional Al welding that I do.

                    Find your nearest Hobbyweld dealer. The gas is about the same cost as from BOC, but there’s no annual rental on the cylinder or collection/delivery charges.

                    Thanks – sadly they don’t exist in France, neither can I find someone to refill the 2 bottles I bought outright in the NL.

                    noel shelley

                      In France Air Liquide ? Part of Linde Group as are BOC. As for having “your own” bottles and the rigmarole of testing and inspection, this is in part what you pay for in your rental. It may not be cheap, but I roll up at an agent anywhere in the land and get a bottle exchanged, no bother ! But be warned that the bottles are numbered and if you return a bottle with a number different one to the one you were issued with there will be questions about how this has happened. Noel.

                      Chris Stevens 2

                        Gas is VERY costly, and makes occasional DIY use a fairly expensive process. The small capacity DIY user bottles make things cheaper for home users as there is no bottle rental charge, but the gas tends to be far more expensive than an industrial user would pay with a contract arrangement.

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