siflet sur mimnie 1 pouce


siflet sur mimnie 1 pouce

Home Forums Traction engines siflet sur mimnie 1 pouce

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 May 2023 at 18:21 by SillyOldDuffer.
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  • #643638
    Emmanuel SABE

      Bonjour a tous , j ai fait l achat d un mimnie , et je souhaiterais lui mettre un siflet .

      La Seule possibilité est de l installer sur le cofre vapeur , avez vous une autre idée , tres peu de place entre 2 visses . Et quel diamètre percer , je suis en metrique , merci a tous , Manu.

      Emmanuel SABE

          Welcome Emmanual.

          My schoolboy French is long forgotten, but Mr Google suggests:

          Hello everyone, I bought a mimnie, and I would like to give it a whistle.

          The only possibility is to install it on the steam chest, do you have another idea, very little space between 2 screws. And what diameter to drill, I am in metric, thank you all, Manu.

          Guess the engine is a Minnie.

          Anyone got an answer?


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