Sieg SX3 Machine DRO install


Sieg SX3 Machine DRO install

Home Forums Workshop Tools and Tooling Sieg SX3 Machine DRO install

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  • #523337
    Martyn Edwards 1

      I understand from Arc that Machine DRO are in the process of putting together Machine specific DRO kits for the SIEG 2.7 and 3 which should be available within weeks.

      I couldn't wait so ordered a generic kit ( Magnetic encoders) and have just installed it on my SX3. Here are some images of how I fitted it.

      dro x finished.jpgdro x 1.jpga86917a6-9e59-4031-9e11-c82a12fa2099.jpeg8d9af90a-9acc-4ef5-a9f6-976b90f1026d.jpeg74bd7bb2-0dab-4cfd-92a1-84a8d20ec595.jpeg39423468-07a4-4ecd-a2cf-8f1cf78cc782.jpeg


      Edited By Martyn Edwards 1 on 28/01/2021 17:21:25

      Martyn Edwards 1
        Paul L

          Hello Martyn,

          I'm considering fitting a DRO to my SX3 at the moment but deciding where to buy from is not so easy. What size scales did you go for for each axis? Where did you purchase your kit from?

          I see you added a scale to the z axis also, I was undecided as to where I needed this but on balance I think I do. I'm also in the market for the extended table if ARC ever get one back in stock!


          Edited By Paul L on 29/01/2021 12:56:12

          Martyn Edwards 1

            Hi Paul

            I purchased the kit from Machine DRO and used their magnetic encoders.

            Actual length of the encoders are as follows

            X Axis – 500mm

            Y Axis – 200mm

            z Axis – 400mm

            Take into account the company uses its part numbers and lengths based on the actual physical travel of each Axis which is 50mm less than the required encoder for each Axis.

            On the standard SX3 table the X Axis 500mm encoder sits perfectly in place just short of the table drain plug.

            The only real work was fabricating a stand off sub assembly for the Z Axis to ensure the encoder was parallel to the column casting. Here I made 4 off x 17mm bushes which spaced out the ally strip from the column away from the sheet steel column cover.

            Paul L

              Thanks for the info Martyn,

              To clarify, did you mount the z axis scale to the cover or through the cover to the column?




                Last year I wrote an article for MEW on installing a SX3 DRO, trouble is I can't find any record of sending it. Ho Hum, just asked Neil if I did.

                I used the mDRO universal kit, but found most of the mountings were far too large and ended up making my own. I put the Z-axis inside the column. Having it all apart is also a good excuse to clean out the grit from all the places it should not be. X & Y I made sloping to reduce swarf build up.


                Keith Fitch

                  Can I kindly ask as to where you acquired the quadrant which covers the encoders on your machine. What I have been provided is a flimsy aluminum pressing and plastic end caps, needless to say you know what will happen to the plastic end caps. Your job looks far more substantial and by far neater.


                    Those look like the standard covers that Machine DRO supply with their magnetic scales.

                    Their glass scales have what is possibly a bent cover though it could be extruded and plastic end caps. I'm not sure what you know will happen with the end caps but I know mine are still good after about 15years on my X3

                    If you bought a cheap one off e-bay then I think they do come with a less substantial cove, you pays your money………………..

                    Edited By JasonB on 13/06/2023 07:18:18


                      Hi Keith, As Jason said they are from Machine DRO. The rail has side T-slots that hold square nuts, and the cover is drilled and screwed.
                      I looked on the Machine DRO site, and they have a section for rails, but don't have any, it may be worth contacting them to see if they are available.

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