Think I've worked out what was "tricking me"; when checking the tramming side-to-side I had a 123 block on one of the table's rails (between tee slots). However, when checking the front-to-back tramming a 123 spans the rails across the tee slots. That wouldn't be a problem… if it weren't for the fact the table isn't actually flat.
I realised the blocks could tip slightly (messing up any readings I was taking) so checked the table, and I can fit a 0.038mm shim under a straight edge near the rear of the table. Not great.
![11.jpg 11.jpg]()
In an attempt to work around it, I bolted another 123 across the table (for consistency) and measured a 123 block sitting on top.
I've ended up with 5 thou (0.127mm) of shims on the right side of column; which pleasing was pretty much exactly what I'd calculated should work based on the initial measurements.
I needed a tiny bit of shimming at the front, but I don't currently have anything thinner than 1 thou, so I've compromised slightly with a single 1 thou (0.025mm) shim at the front left, and not put anything on the right front as it upsets things.
Checking against a 123 block it looks as though the column tilts to the right by 0.014mm for 100mm of vertical travel, and leans backwards by 0.011mm over 100mm. That doesn't feel too bad.
Sweeping a DTI over the table surface (a sweep diameter of around 130mm) shows the head tilts to the right by about 0.01mm (reading at 3 o'clock position of 0, and -0.01mm at 9 o'clock). That's so close to the measured column tilt that I'm going to assume it means the head is aligned with the column, and it's down to the column tilt.
The 6 o'clock reading at the front of the table is -0.02mm; which would be consistent with a bit of backwards lean in the column. Unsurprisingly the 12 o'clock reading is way off at -0.07mm, but based on the shim test showing that part of the table is about 0.04mm low it maybe means the column and head are now pretty well trammed.
At least… I think. I may be fooling myself.
Not really sure what to do about the table though. Short of having the table ground (or attempting scraping it); neither of which kit or skill I posses. The vise I have will be bolted down using the tee slot nearer the front of the table, so maybe it won't affect things.