, i'm new here. At first please excuse my bad English, i try my best. Got my first lathe, it is a Sieg C2 i think. A bit rosty, but thats not the problem. The controll Box was open when i get the lathe.
I wierd all up, like it should be. Than i went with the wohle Thing to an electrican. Only to Look over the wiering and check all knobs and buttons. Looks all right, He says. We put the plug, nothing..
Switch to "forward" RPM on off. Than it came smoke from the Pcb
I try to upload a pic. The blue poti at the bottom is melting and Smoking. So the electrican says He is not an elektronics, maybee He mosfet s but He cant messure them. So now i need a circuit board shematics for the :
FC 250 / 230v
Serial 05090268
Hope anyone can help me. I better has to check electric first befor i spend 2 days in restoring the Mechanik. I hope the is also a way to fix theses nice Digital readouts, New batterys in, but Do nothing.
Greetings from Germany