In view of your lack of experience with LEDs and their oddities, can I suggest a way forward?
You could settle on a voltage standard for which there are many regulators around – 12volts – as used on all cars and almost all motorcycles for lighting etc. This would also make two other things easier – the supply of a range of suitable LED bulbs, without head scratching over voltages and resistors etc; and the possibility of adding a battery supply so that when the engine is not running you can display the lamps.
The wind turbine seems ideal for this sort of use, and regulation could rely on a motorcycle-type Zener diode. These will cope with an alternator output up to 150 Watts, given a sensible heat-sink (or 'radiator, in unhelpful car-type terms). This is well over the output of the 36W wind device, but a regulator which will cope with more than you have got is going to last for ever.
You will need to play with the generator driving a small pulley on the generator with a fairly big one to suit the engine, and this will tell you if these sizes are going to give you sensible output (ie that you don't need another gearbox etc).
It seems a shame to abandon the LEDs you have bought, but you should be able to get some joy by connecting a few of those you have, in series, and driving them with a car battery. If they are 3.5V each, then four in series should work, but try six and five, too. Then when you are happy that one 'set' does what you want, further identical sets can be added in parallel. And if these terms are new to you. come back to us.
And don't forget that the generator will produce AC, alternating current, but the LEDs need DC, direct current. This means you need a 'rectifier' – again a simple matter of a few quid (or lots more from a motorcycle spares shop). The wind generator may well have a rectifier within it, so check this detail. It certainly would if it was set up to charge a battery on a boat, for example, but you might not have got the complete kit.
I am tempted to say 'Bring it all round and I will try to get something going for you' but I don't suppose Ludlow is just up the road, is it?
Hope this helps
Cheers, Tim