Don't ditch it, the reel can probably be saved. Firstly rewind the reel to get rid of serious overlaps and more importantly make sure the filament is not trying to tie itself in a 'clove hitch' where the end has managed to get under one or more previous turns. Then make sure the filament is dry, put it in a bag with some fresh silica-gel for a couple of days. Also worth checking that the entry and exit points to the bowden tube are nice and smooth, no sharp corners. Restrict the reel from swinging too much, as you have with the elastic bands.
It helps to buy quality filament have a look at the following images the first is from Prusa (Prusament) note the even wind. The second is an unknown brand but note how uneven the wind is. The difference is fairly obvious as is the outcome. Always try to keep the filament under control when loading. Even a smoothly wound roll can end up in a mess if the turns become too loose.

The second image also shows some useful ball-bearing spool holders (search TUSH on Thingiverse). I have recently made myself a dry filament feeder box using these ** Journeyman's Workshop ** and they work well.
Edited By Journeyman on 07/03/2021 13:02:57