OK so this one’s sorted.
I got some 0.0005” feeler gauge as suggested.
Firstly, having looked at where I was measuring, I realised I was making things far more complicated by having the four datum points on the bed 90 degrees round from the bolt pattern I’m adjusting, ie the bolts are at 10, 2, 4 and 8 o’clock, the points on the bed were 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock. I changed the measuring points to correspond, and made the x-spacing equal to the bolt spacing in that axis. This had two benefits:
1) The x-errors give pretty much the exact shim size needed under the left or right bolt pairs.
2) It’s far easier to visualise the effects of what any shim will do in terms of how they vary corner/datum heights.
I have no idea why I was using the previous method – possibly something I’d seen online, and the fact it enables full, unobstructed rotation of the gauge within the width of the bed (which is irrelevant anyway).
Secondly, after getting all readings to within 0.001” by shimming, I used Hopper’s tension method for fine adjustment. This was trial and error stuff. However, rather than tighten a bolt further, I did the opposite and loosened it to tweak the readings to zero. I then undid the relevant bolt and slipped shims under, in 0.0005” increments, fully tightening and re-checking. After a couple of tries, It was all perfect.
I checked in three head height positions, three bed positions in x, and also adjusted the length of the gauge arm radius from about 3”, all the way out so that the gauge touched the extremities of the bed corners in one arc. The worst difference I got out of all that was less than 0.001”, with the majority of readings less than 0.0005”. The mid height, mid bed test was spot-on over 5” in x.
All the shims now have much greater area than previously, and the perpendicularity of the axis is better than it was. So that’s that. Just got to work through the backlash issue now.
Anyway, thanks for all the advice. I knew it was do-able, and it really frustrated me not being able to work through such a seemingly trivial task.