I recently inherited this petrol can from an old friend, and it puzzles me. I've never seen one like it and it's too late to ask him what it is for.
It is a perfectly ordinary Shell can, with the usual embossed lettering and a cast brass cap lettered SHELL MEX. The paint seems to have been black, with a gold Shell emblem on the side. Where it gets puzzling is that there is a cylindrical steel vessel, 3" in diameter and 10½" deep, let into it and soft soldered in place. There is a hint of what may be oil toward the bottom of the inside.
The cylinder gives every impression of being machine made, which I emphasise because the handle is an obvious home-made replacement of brass, soft soldered in place.
So the puzzle is, what was the purpose of this modification, and was it done by Shell? Was it to hold a can of 2-stroke oil? If so, why wouldn't you just mix it straight in with the petrol? Was there a standard Shell 2-stroke oil can which would fit? And why would you want to reduce the capacity of a 2 gallon can to 1 gallon, 2 quarts, 1 pint and 2½ gills? (I stuck that in for the traditionalists. Imperial gallons of course.)
Over to you for suggestions,