Can anyone help? I need to make bench mounted joggle/ hole punch. The thickness of the sheet metal involved range from 0.75 mm (21 SWG, 0.032” up to 2.5mm (12 SWG, 0.104”. The metal is Aluminium.
In Joggle mode, the ‘joggles’ will be 20mm deep and as wide as is possible as I need to ‘joggle’ several meters. The depth of the joggle will depend on the thickness of the metal being joggled. Therefore I would think that the maximum stroke length will be a little over 2.5 mm.
In punch mode I would normally want to punch 3.2 mm (1/8” holes but I may want to punch up to 5mm (3/16”. Therefore the punch stroke will be about 3.2mm.
There is a problem with emoticons one appears whenever i use a close bracket thus )
Edited By Richard Parsons on 26/09/2010 15:26:56
Edited By Richard Parsons on 26/09/2010 15:28:48