Steve- is this collet chuck stiuck in the machine, or is it out of the machine but with a lodger in the drawbar socket?
Is the collar essential – no I don’t think so. There are lots of chucks in that style that don’t nor ever did have the damping ring. So i suppose the answer is better with if possible, but don’t lose any sleep over not having it – as long as its concentric etc. Or you can machine the ring yourself.
If its not stuck in the machine:
Can you grind the end flat – or flat enough to drill. It won’t matter if you lose a bit off the end of the taper. Not too much of course.
Worst case, and you really really can’t drill it, heat to red heat with oxy acetylene, and let it air cool to soften it? One doesn’t at that point have all that much to lose.
Does anyone know if the alum trick will work.?
If its stuck in the machine then KWIL has the best suggestion.
I did get one out for someone last year with dry ice. I was looking for one of those pipe freezing kits, but I ended up with of all things, one of the Verruca freezer kits from a chemist. Took the collet out, put cotton wool in, and sprayed the liquid CO2 in from the front having got pressure on from behind. (threaded clamp and rod down the spindle) After 20 minutes it just fell out. Surprised me, but it worked well. Made by Scholls – you get quite a chunky little can of liquid CO2 in there.
Apologies – I have read your other thread after writing this. If one could put it politely – that makes KWILS point rather well! Might be an idea to check the bearings?
Edited By mgj on 10/02/2011 19:50:09