I have a lot of knife sharpening tools. These are a bit of bother but can deliver the finest edge. The above version allows quick flip of knife from one side to the other – cheaper ones (below)don’t have the flip feature:

If you don’t need perfect angles, then you can use the cheap version and just hold the knife im position with your hand (don’t bother clamping) – some might be more convienient. The stones tend to be poor quality so much better to get the diamond ones which are usually extra but maybe you can trawl ebay for a kit that incluee them (maybe coarse and fine is enough). And it is easy to make some additional wood strips which you can load up with stopping paste for hair-shaving finish.
Stropping compound is the simple secret to super sharp knives. Apply it to any backer that will hold the compound (wood, thick paper, cardboard, leather) and then strop the knife against it. The softer the backing, the more shallow the stropping angle. So your knife may be flat against the strop if leather.
Any stropping/buffing compound works – try with anything you have . Cheap green buffing compound works well enough for most people. TCut or other metal polish. But there IS a big difference between compounds and if you want ultimate speed and sharpness then it is worth getting good compound.