Sexism in engineering language


Sexism in engineering language

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  • #741550
    Nicholas Farr

      Hi, I agree with what MichaelG has said. If the aeroplane is flying upside down on a level path, the G force on it would be in balance, i.e. not going up or coming down, but gravity will still act on yourself, and hence, would be negative with respect to that of the aeroplane. If the aeroplane descends while upside down, faster than gravity would pull it, you would probably feel a moment of weightlessness, and then get the feeling of being pushed back into your seat, a bit like the feeling you get when going over a humpback bridge fairly fast in a car. At least that’s how I understand it, but someone will no doubt will correct me if I’ve got it wrong.

      Regards Nick.

      Andrew Johnston
        On Hollowpoint Said:
        Again, I don’t see the need to alter language with a million new words.

        Language evolves and is not set in stone. New words come into use, old words die away or their meaning changes over time. How words are put together also changes. I have several reprints of technical books from the beginning of the 20th century. They can be difficult to follow as the language is quite verbose and formal.

        We have copper, brass, bronze, aluminium, steel, iron, nickel, chromium and the list goes on. For simplicity let’s just call them all metal.



        Andrew Johnston
          On JasonB Said:

          What is the point of a connector that mates to itself, or does it actually join to another identical connector?

          It joins to another identical connector so only one component is needed, saves on inventory costs and pick ‘n’ place machine reels.


          Kiwi Bloke
            On Hopper Said:

            My original question was maybe more in the league of idle musing, but whatever. I did not expect to open such a can of worms, but in retrospect probably should have!

            Careful, you could be accused of trolling… Seems to me a perfectly reasonable tea-room subject. However, in these offence-taking days, an opened can of worms is only one word away.

            Kiwi Bloke

              An example of nominative determinism. Thomas Crapper was a Victorian engineer who made WCs commercially. The c-word (not that one…) pre-dated him. He turned his unfortunate name to his advantage. I had the pleasure(?) of using one of his creations in UK, decades ago. The high-level cistern produced a Niagara-like torrent – and thunder – that would have had no difficulty of disposing of anything in the pan. Has this thread reached rock-bottom?


                Standing on the Earth’s surface you are prevented from travelling towards the centre of the Earth by the reaction to you weight. This force equals your mass times gravitational acceleration. To increase altitude acceleration has to increase (usually slightly) etc. However there are things that change your altitude and add additional, non-vertical loads, to you such as aeroplanes, centrafuges, fairground machinary. If the acceration is high will you weight considerably more.

                The body handles positive accelerations better than negatve (when you are hanging up side down). With 0 g you fall towards the Earth and negative makes the fall faster. If you are not strapped into an aeroplane subjected to -v g the plane is falling quicker than you and you hit the luggage lockers (and possibly make the news). If strapped in you can have other problems paticularly with the contents of your stomach (which would have been of little concern to a desperate ME109 pilot).

                I am a little bit surprised I am posting this but I hope it makes sense.



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