… Already, the woke morons have ‘banned’ the terms ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’, on entirely spurious, but tiresomely typical grounds. I shall carry on regardless, no doubt offending the woke – and the more offensive, the better!
“Woke moron’s” and ‘the more offensive, the better‘ eh! With these carefully chosen words Kiwi makes his position clear! I hope he can take it as well as hand it out.
But engage brain please Kiwi. What stops a 25 year old alpha-male kicking the poo out of a foolish old man who insults and disrespects him? The answer is society – we train children to be polite, honest and to respect others; we try not to fall out with the neighbours, and we make and enforce laws. ‘woke’ is just the latest manifestation of society trying to improve itself.
Despite many imperfections, we all benefit enormously from ‘woke’, or rather the underlying societal forces that encourage individuals to behave with tact, respect, and constraint. Consider the anti-woke alternative, let’s call this group ‘The Kiwi Fruits’. They have low empathy, take offence, start fights, lie, steal, are callous, and believe anyone who doesn’t share their views is stupid.
Obviously only Kiwi Fruits should have rights, because everyone else is a moron, even though the opposite might be true.
A few years ago I listened to an interview where a Kiwi Fruit started by blasting woke in all forms, whilst strongly asserting his right to say what he wanted, no matter how offensive. So far so good, except he moved on to an anti-BBC rant, the main thrust of which was that his life had been completely ruined by a few leftie comedians poking fun at his opinions. What a wet! This fool didn’t see any conflict between his desire to freely affront the world, whilst being an extremely sensitive soul himself. I would define him as a bully, and concluded that the logical inconsistency of his views meant he wasn’t intelligent.
A few of my friends are “anti-woke”, and they too are unable to accept criticism. Challenged to justify and explain their views, they soon become shouty bad-tempered and start quoting fake-news. In the interest of keeping the peace, my social code inhibits me from tackling them head-on, because that would ruin our otherwise fruitful relationship. Much easier to create bad-blood than mend fences. Not sure letting my friends off the hook though is a good thing because ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.‘
I suggest a Model Engineering forum isn’t the place for this particular debate. Not least because the intrusion of woke terms into engineering is almost zero, and harmless where it has occurred. Is Kiwi trolling? Do we really care if a commercial software developer replaces ‘Master/Slave’ with ‘Leader/Follower’. Highly unlikely the thought police will be raiding hobby workshops to ensure we’re are on message with ‘male’ and ‘female’.