There are a lot of people out there who have a very poor understanding of how to treat bearings. Even "skilled" fitters, mechanics etc. often have no real idea of the principles behind the modern ball or roller bearing and even less when it comes to some of the older type technology such as plain or white metal bearings even wood is used in some circumstances. As the works engineer in a large factory I am in charge of the maintenance and installation of a large number of different types and sizes of machines and one of my first tasks with any new maintenance apprentice or employee who we take on is to educate them into the mysteries of bearing removal, fitting, and maintenance.
I have fitted many thousands of bearings over my lifetime of every description (yes even wood ones) and my major findings are this:
Never ever let a hard hammer anywhere near a bearing. This includes using them on assorted drifts, bits of pipe etc.
When ever possible always use either a purpose designed press or some arrangement of screw, spacer, push or pull device to fit bearings.
When removing bearings the above advice is the same unless you are intending to scrap the old bearing.
When fitting medium to large bearings it is a good idea to GENTLY heat the bearing first to fit it to a shaft. Never use naked flame always use either an induction heater or even a hotplate but remember we are talking 100 or so degrees Celsius not cherry red heat!!!
Never fit a bearing to a shaft by pressing on the outer ring or fit into a recess using the inner ring.
As Hopper advised do not over fill a bearing with grease. I always show new starters a brand new bearing to demonstrate this point.
The maximum speed for a bearing is attained when running in oil if this is the design of the machine carefully remove any manufactures grease before fitting using a suitable solvent.
Never ever dry or "clean" a bearing using compressed air !!!!
When fitting new bearings cover the work surfaces with a plastic sheet and do not remove the packaging until ready to fit the bearing . Cleanliness is vital.
If you follow the above instructions then you ought to get a long trouble free life from your bearings. Remember that over 95% of bearing failures can be traced to fitting or contamination problems.