The labels on military equipment were quite likely made by companies who supplied industry too.
Such labels generally seem to have been made by screen-printing but the numbers were stamped by the customer, i.e. the manufacturer of the equipment, not of the label.
ISO9001 claims do not mean anything unless you run a company that genuinely needs fully traceable products and has the means to support it. It is not a manufacturing quality standard as such, but accredits the holder's internal product or service consistency management – and is expensive, adding to the selling price.
Searching for ISO9001-registered label-makers may well elicit only firms willing to sell definitely thousands not perhaps just a few hundred, possibly in batches; and on full trade accounts.
Unless your firm is 9001-accredited and your customer for the labelled product genuinely needs even the labels made by an ISO-9001 company, the claim is really rather pointless.