Posted by Lambton on 19/10/2012 11:00:38:
I urge all persons using the forum to click on the ABC spell checker and select Enable SCAYT before writing their posting. It is in the top tool bar just to the left of centre.
Doing this gets rid of most of the spelling an other errors.
To follow your comment Mr L – and this is not a criticism of what you wrote – There is a difference between the odd typo which we all make from time to time and habitual bad spelling and grammar. For some typo happens occasionally , for others (a minority) bad spelling happens all the time. One of the most blaring typos I cam across was in the corporate letter heading of a famous insurance company, the name which was on all the letters sent out, was, 'The Pudential'. It was not until I pointed it out to them that they noticed. I would have thought that the intelligent folk who use this site are able to make the distinction between bad spelling/grammar and typos.
As for a spell checker, don't trust them implicitly. To misquote that old joke:
I halve a spelling Chequer,
it came with my pea sea………..
……..Eye am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

As for the article, if the lad has a generous dad that's his good fortune and if he starts a business so be it, most successful businesses are started by folk who had a privileged youth, the right school, a rich dad etc helps enormously. Comparatively few start from a poor background. However one workshop is not a celebration for the future of our hobby as several have maintained, one lucky/privileged young man will not a hobby make. If the facilities were there for many, rather than one it could make a difference, e.g. in a school, or youth activity centre.
Personally I thought the article was a waste of space. I didn't need the best part of a page to tell me how to negotiate a move for a large miling machine, if he had done it himself with tube rollers or skates and crowbars that would be interesting, but no, the wallet came out. I would rather the space be allocated to more interesting stuff. If not articles on models, then a bit of engineering history, or more museum visits, I would rather see how a great Engineer (such as Maudslay or Whitworth) affected our future rather than a vainglorious self promotion.
That is simply my personal position as a paying customer of the magazine.
Edited By Terryd on 19/10/2012 11:36:04