Nick G hit the nail on the head. ![]()
Fizzy: In answer to your question: "Can you think of any other retailer who refuses any notion of return or warranty?"…The answer is YES…when it comes to electrical components. Refer to Nick G's comments. Still, happy you got it sorted with other suppliers mentioned in your link here— for those who care to read it. This is the same link in which someone has a different opinion to yours, but as you say…also happens to be the truth. Also, what would you rather have? …ARC being truthful to you pre-purchase of an electrical component, or to play it out with you after you have blown it? . The policy we have adopted only applies to electrical components for reasons stated by Nick G. If you still want to buy anything else from ARC – including non-electrical spares, we are happy to consider your requirements with normal return and warranty policies. If you don't want to buy from ARC, we are okay with that too. ![]()
Every situation is judged on a case by case basis. ARC always tries its best to support customers who have purchased their machines from ARC first, where ARC knows machine and user history. Such machines are covered by warranty, and supported by spares at a reasonable cost outside the warranty period.
For machines not purchased from ARC, history is uncertain unless clarified, for example:
– What were the original components used when the machine was made? – certain motors/boards have changed – compatibility – correct identification by the buyer before purchase. A good number of such enquirers (about 30%) automatically presume things incorrectly and are turned away and/or asked to identify the components clearly on the website pre-purchase.
– Or, there may be human error, abuse, ability or lack of, with certain potential buyers who are unknown. How are they using or abusing the machine? have they tested the motor/board and/or are they competent to carry out this process?. In our experience, we have come across the negative aspects of this element, where such persons knowingly or unknowingly blow a replacement component resulting from their mistake. Why should ARC be accountable for this?…some of them also say that they haven't used the said component, knowing full well that they have. Thankfully, this issue represents a minority.
– Or, dirty power…I guess soon to be classified under the banner of 'act of god'? because try resolving this one with the 'electricity board' .
Point is, too many variables making it hard to make a judgement call. So, specifically with reference to motors and control boards, we are happy with our policy, and we respect the fact that the buyer always has a choice.
Ketan at ARC.
edited to correct spellings…sorry.
Edited By Ketan Swali on 14/01/2016 11:09:34