Introduction: The Boy's Own Paper published five articles in 1895 describing the construction of a horizontal gas engine. It is said that this design provided the inspiration for the first Petter gas engine. I discovered the articles during the seventies, and have finally found time to study them. I hope, if possible, to build an engine.
The Engine: This is a single cylinder four-stroke of 1 1/2" bore and 2 7/8"stroke , with hot tube ignition and a built in water jacket. It is set up to run on town gas, but for country dwellers there is also an evaporator to make your own gas from gasoline. It can be made entirely on a 3 1/2" gap-bed lathe with backgear. A small planing machine would also be useful, as would an overhead milling attachment for gear cutting in the lathe…
A full set of castings is available from Jackson & Co. of High Street, Brentford, price £2 10s, and a full size drawing for a further 5s.
Progress so far: I have disentangled the labyrinthine Victorian prose, but the woodcuts, though they are many, have defeated me. They are distinctly not to scale and yield conflicting results when stepping off with dividers from known dimensions.For example, the flywheel appears to be somewhere between 10" and 14" in diameter when scaled up from the views I have. Jackson & Co. seem to have moved without leaving a forwarding address, so at present I am faced with making a 'recreation in the style of' rather than an authentic reproduction.
My Quest: is to track down a surviving example, a set of castings, or (a chance in a million) the full size drawing so I can get some accurate dimensions. My guess is that a number of castings were bought and started, very few were finished, and there may be one copy of the drawing surviving in a pile of papers somewhere. I'd gladly give 7/6d for a copy! Identifying the engine wouldn't be easy because as far as I can tell there were no identifying marks on the castings.
My Request: I have corresponded with Geoff Challinor of the Anson Engine Museum, who has heard of it but never seen one. So, any information, suggestions of places I might look, more people I might ask, piles of paper I might search through… anything will be welcome.