Seeking article on Bench Drill upgrade


Seeking article on Bench Drill upgrade

Home Forums Manual machine tools Seeking article on Bench Drill upgrade

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  • #45706
      I seem to recall seeing an article on upgrading an Asian manufactured bench drill to improve the quill slides/bearings, but am unable to locate it.

      Can anyone point me to the article?  I can’t really
      justify the expense of a ‘proper’ bench drill, but am frustrated by the
      sloppiness of the item I currently use.

        Peter G. Shaw
          Hi Edward,
          These articles may contain the info you want. I have not looked at the articles them selves, but simply referred to my homeproduced database. They seem to refer to quill backlash elimination.
          ME 19 May 89 page 621 & 05 Jan 90 page 51
          MEW40  Jan 97 page 20
          These articles refer to modifying a drill press into a cheap milling machine, hence may also help.
          MEW33  Jan 96 page 12
          MEW35  May 96 page 66
          MEW92  Aug 03 page 52
          Hope this helps.
          Peter G. Shaw
            My grateful thanks to you for finding this information.
            MEW Issue 40 has the particular article that I recall.  I had tried several textual searches of Colin Usher’s MEW and ME indices, but obviously failed to think of any of the specific words used in the title of the article.
            Peter G. Shaw
              Ooh, I’ve gone over all funny like!
              Seriously though, glad to have been of help. And yes, I have aften found that another mind can think of a different way around the problem.
              Peter G. Shaw
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