If you google search help you get a very helpful selection of tips about searching e.g. a minus sign excludes whatever follows. Well worth looking at if you use search engines.
Google guide lists all of the valid search options including filetype: (filespec) -which is a perfectly valid and safe option that can save a lot of time. There are a lot of options.
PS had the same attack of the smiles as the original post , perhaps it’s a colon then brackets eg

Yes it is!
Edited By Alan Gray 1 on 26/02/2011 16:37:05
Edited By Alan Gray 1 on 26/02/2011 16:37:48
Edited By Alan Gray 1 on 26/02/2011 16:39:47
Edited By Alan Gray 1 on 26/02/2011 16:41:08