If you were trying to design a mechanism that was hopelessly inefficient, because of friction, at transmitting torque (on the chuck key) to clamping force, you’d be hard pressed to do better than a scroll chuck. Applying gorilla strength to the chuck key does nothing to improve the longevity, or accuracy of the chuck. Therefore lubrication is important. I came across some work showing the effectiveness of correct lubrication at increasing clamping force for a given key torque, but I’m afraid I can’t remember where…
Emco recommend Kluber Altemp QNB 50 for their chucks. It’s a tenacious whitish paste, doesn’t wash off easily, or get flung out of the chuck, and presumably has clever friction-reducing fillers. It’s expensive, but only tiny amount is required each time the chuck is serviced, and I expect my 80g tube will outlast me.