In response to Cymro..
I don't know if this post should be in 'Screwcutting clutch for Myford's' … my apologies to Neil Lickfold.
There was a forum discussion about some aspects of using Arduino's for controlling the leadscrew … see 'Syncing up Arduino's'… the article was in MEW issue 240… this was my own design and was really an overview of what I did to my 70 year old lathe in order to get round the problem of providing a screwcutting facility and motion control of the leadscrew since the back gearing on this lathe did not exist and the original leadscrew was worn out.
In the space and time I had available for the article some of the features were not really covered, such as the fact that there is no encoder as such and the design is probably the most cost effective way of solving the problem when faced with the choice of buying a new lathe or having a go at re-modelling an old lathe.
Since I made the controller quite a few years ago there have been improvements and a re-thinking of the original design as I understand that only one processor is now needed to provide the signals for the leadscrew and headstock motors so that connecting (syncing) the two Arduino's is not needed.
I am not pursuing this re-design as I am very happy with the control unit I have, it works a treat and I have made quite a few threaded items, the only problem I have had is that the headstock stepper driver motor is underpowered somewhat and care needs to be taken to ensure that the cuts are not too heavy and the threading tool is sharp.
The 'different contributor' you mention was probably Chris Gabel who wrote a great article about using the Electronic Leadscrew Groups device (see iss 235 MEW), and I have no doubt that this is a much better system than the one I designed, and as he mentions there is plenty of backup from its vast member base, however this is not a cheap option and I would argue that the cost of applying the system to an old lathe needing refurbishment should be considered against the cost of purchasing a new lathe.
Well I'm happy to answer any questions you may have…