I took a load of scrap metal, mainly swarf, to a large commercial scrap yard yesterday. It's the first time I've got rid of scrap metal in return for cash. It was an 'interesting' experience, but not one I will be rushing to repeat. I had the following in the car:
45kg of cast iron swarf and discarded castings
35kg of steel turnings
6kg of aluminium turnings
7kg of gunmetal/brass/ bronze turnings
After a hiccup about the sequence I realised I had to queue up to go onto the ingoing weighbridge and then go into the office. During my trip to the office the computer fell over, not a good start. I also needed a photo driving licence for ID; no license no cash, that simple. Eventually I got a paper slip, plus a hard hat and hi-viz jacket and was told to 'go over there' and wait for the man in a white hat. After having to ask again on the way, I did eventually see a man in a white hat, who directed me to dump the cast iron and steel in one of several huge heaps. There were some old cars, but it seemed to be mostly industrial scrap; thousands of tons of it.
I then did a 'tour' of the scrapyard one-way system to the non-ferrous section, where a forklift eventually dropped off a large steel container at the back of my car. I put the aluminium and bronze in this, and it was then taken into the nearby shed and the scrap weighed separately. At the end of this, plus a few 'choice' phrases from the operator, as he'd just made a boo-boo and was expecting some interesting words with his boss, I got a second ticket detailing the weights of aluminium and bronze. Then back to the entrance to queue for the weighbridge on the way out.
Once on the weighbridge, back into the office, hand back the hard hat and jacket, and all the bits of paper. After a magic calculation cash was handed over.
In total I got £29, which was rather more than I was expecting having talked to the yard before going there. It broke down as follows:
Cast iron/steel – £11
Aluminium/bronze – £18
I was there nearly an hour and half and it's a 30+ plus mile round trip. Was it worth it; probably not. Apart from anything else I count myself lucky to get out with four functioning tyres on the car, given the amount of scrap lying all over the ground.
In future I think I'll make more regular trips to the closer council tip to get rid of steel scrap. It's just not worth enough to make a trip to a proper scrapyard worthwhile. However, I plan to keep aluminium and copper alloys separately and once I've got enough then visit the scrapyard again. Two advantages of non-ferrous scrap are that it's much more valuable than ferrous weight for weight, and it's weighed individually so you don't need to queue to go on the weighbridge. So the whole sequence should be quicker.
Edited By Andrew Johnston on 18/08/2012 18:04:48