With my 4×6 bandsaw I, and many others I would think, have discovered that the movable vice jaw tends to rotate when trying to hold short length workpieces. This method completely solves this problem, and requires no changes to any part of the bandsaw at all. It's just a metal plate the same size as the fixed vice jaw, about 6mm thick. I used some aluminium sheet. A hole is drilled and tapped near one end to accept a suitable length of threaded rod that is used as a jack. I used M10. That's it.
The plate is positioned against the moveable jaw and, with the workpiece clamped tightly near the pivot point of the moveable jaw, the jack can be adjusted to meet the other jaw. The vice is released to allow the workpiece to be positioned properly and then clamped firmly. The jack stops the movable jaw from rotating.
If another plate is made but without the threaded hole, the two plates can be used together to hold short items very close to the saw blade.
A third plate of appropriate thickness can be used to lift odd shaped workpieces to allow the saw to cut right through.
The diagram illustrates all three uses. Works for me.