Often, the problem is that the "new, labour saving, wonderful" app is devised by someone who knoews it inside out. That forgets that manybusers are mnot so faniliar, and so have problems.
A system that only functions on Windows 10 is useless to anyone using Windows 7, linux or somethingb else, , let alone those who do not have a computer of any sort..
(We don't require a new ncar buyer to be nfamilar with the cross hatch angle of the bore, or the wall pressure of the p[iston rings of the internal combustion engine; , or the inductance of the motor or frequencty of the PWM, battery chemistry of an elctric car. )
Yes, a fully paid up Luddite, happy ti nuse cash, thous or enen pen and paper.
Having been given a variety of drugs where the side effects were worse than the affliction nthat they were supposed to cure, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" has long been my watchword.
Just 'cos it's new does not necessarilky mean that bit is better; possibly more profitable.