That was not the point I was trying to make, Dave.
I know "dinosaur" is used as a metaphor for "very old" but it's usually used as an attack.
By simple I do NOT mean insecure. Nor do I mean out-of-date security!
The precautions we need take are specific to the methods, and any object can be stolen if we are not careful, be it a wad of cash or a bank-card, though the latter would be the more serious.
The more complicated and variegated the methods we use, the greater the range of possible losses or failures. On the other hand, go too simple and you cramp yourself and the effect of a loss can be more serious in proportion.
It is like anything else: you don't select the means to suit what others perceive as the "must have" or the "now we all" way merely because they use that. You select your best means to your ends: giving you the results you want or need in the most efficient and safest way for you.
I don't use my Internet bank-account, even if it's still active. I do though use cash, cards, cheques, standing-orders and bank-transfers according to individual transactions' needs; but I limit my on-line retail therapy, mainly to model-engineering! In all cases I take the appropriate security precautions.
About the only "now-we-all" way I don't and won't and anyway can't, use is the "smart"-'phone way.