Scale of model traction engines


Scale of model traction engines

Home Forums Traction engines Scale of model traction engines

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    Richard Still
      Richard Still
        I’d love my next project to be a traction engine but I’m put off by the scale of modern projects. 2″ would be practical,  3″ scale would just about possible.
        I have a small workshop with a small milling machine and a lathe capable of swinging 250 mm. I also have finite resources in terms of time and budget.
        4″ scale is impossible and as for 6″, that’s NOT model engineering, it’s engineering full stop.
        Is  my only way forward to find old copies of ME or EIM? Always assuming that the castings are still available.
        Loco builders are well supplied with a constant supply of new projects, buildable in an small scale amateur’s workshop. It seems to me that the standard of research and detailing on these locos is constantly improving.
        Where is the next 2″ / 3″, well researched and detailed traction engine model? 
          Actual size will depend quite a lot of the prototype being modeled for example the 2″ Fowler that I am making is only a couple of inches shorter than say a 3″ Little Samson and the next model TE I want to do is a ploughing engine again in 2″ and that is another 14″ longer than my curent one at 50″. But you could do a 4″ Ruston & Proctor that is only 47″ long
          The largest items needing to be turned are generally the Flywheel and final Drive, I think all the 2″ models would be 9″ dia or under. The wheels can be rolled and welded or some such as MJ engineering offer them cast to finished size in alloy or ready welded.
          The current trend seems to be to build bigger engines so thats where the newer offerings are likely to be such as Edward George’ s(little samson) 6″ Gold medal tractor. But MJ Engineering have recently started to do a 3″ Wallis & Stevens
          Edit Just had a quick tot up and there are suppliers of at least 15 different 2″ models and 17 3″ so you have a reasonable number to choose from and there is always the option to pick something different, get the drawings from the likes of MERL and make your own.

          Edited By JasonB on 01/06/2010 18:50:44


            Or even a Wallis and Steevens

            Keith Wardill 1

              Sorry – posted to wrong thread – deleted

              Edited By Keith Wardill on 01/06/2010 21:18:29

              Neil Tyler
                I can offer for sale drawings and castings in 2″ scale for the following, all designed by Colin Tyler and/or John Haining:
                Fowler BB1 Ploughing Engine. and Anti Balance Plough.
                Kitson & Hewitson Slanting Shaft Ploughing Engine.
                The Unique (almost, there are 2 models I know of) Darby Savage Broadside Digger. A model engineering challenge…. (youtube: TYLERDARBYDIGGER)
                I am in the throws of setting up a company and website which will be called ‘Tyler Steam Models’
                Let me know if you want any further info.
                Regards Neil Tyler
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