Anyone want one of these ? Used for a week and discarded.Still sharp enough to slash your hand,(you'll need a handle,) but I like them razor sharp as i'm a weakling.. and i don't like pushing so i buy a new one most weeks. I don't buy rubbish ones, they're 25quid new . Tax deductable see .. My fingers get cut to ribbons though.
I took hundreds to the household tip today , I don't know why i keep hold of them for so long …Jesus it did make a din as i tipped them in the metal skip !! And suddenly i thought someone here would have liked those!! Too late . These were what was left in my van..
Like I said, these have been used, got rained on, slight rust ,rasp might have horseshit in some teeth..i'm not cleaning them , but they'll last on non ferrous and MS for years…overall with tang 17" Put them in lemon juice they'll come up like new. Bonus is they're hard to break , very hard but not that brittle . If you want one you'll have to pay the postage ,about 3 quid each.. Reasonable? I think there's a dozen . But dont buy them just to put on ebay…I can do that..
Edited By Hacksaw on 15/11/2016 00:26:06