Sanderson Beam Engine


Sanderson Beam Engine

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  • #407764
    Bill Walton
      Chris (R.C.) Hodrien provided me with another picture of original Steam engine at the Osnabrück Museum.
      My original quest was done, I hade had found pictures and two full size steam engine of a very similar design to the Sanderson Model, one picture from the Wadsworth, Springfield Mental Hospital and the engine at the Museum Industriekultur Osnabrück.
      But I now had a new quest, how is it that the same steam engine design exists in two countries with no know connection?
      Bill Walton

        frerichs matrian dortmund eng drawing 20p.jpg

        Bill Walton

          img_0004 50p.jpg

          Bill Walton

            robert sanderson glasgow plate assembled 10p.jpg

            Bill Walton

              sanderson real niedersachsen, osnabr?ck museum frerichs 10p.jpg

              Bill Walton

                stationary steam engines of great britian page_067 10p.jpg

                Bill Walton

                    Posted by Bill Walton on 05/05/2019 00:32:17:


                    One original UK full size engine was at the Frerichs Wadsworth, Springfield Mental Hospital.

                    Bill, on several occasions you use the name "Wadsworth" but the old Springfield hospital was the Surrey Lunatic Asylum located in Wandsworth and the engine in question made by Maudslay, Sons & Field. Not sure if it is still in the science museum.

                    Possibly three engines existed, the one shown on the Plates, The Springfield Hospital one and the one in Germany. As two out of the three founders of J. Frerichs & Co were English it is possible they had something to do with similar engines being in both England and Germany. All have unique featured but they also seem to share a lot of features particularly in the beam/column and brace.

                    Edited By JasonB on 05/05/2019 07:57:27

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