Salvage Squad


Salvage Squad

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    Eric Cox

      Came across this TV programme on YouTube where a team of three "experts" restore various vehicles as well as giving background history. The subjects vary from a steam roller and Sentinal lorry to a steam boat and Centurian tank.

      Something to interest most people.

      Eric Cox
        Engine Builder

          Currently being repeated on Quest TV channel.

          Claire is the only "engineer". The other 2 "experts" know nothing.

          In the later episodes only Claire remains.


            Presumably she "fixed" them too!

            martin perman 1

              Clare has a degree in engineering, the big fella has a degree in throwing a strop smiley and the other fella has a degree in brute force and ignorance smiley

              Martin P

              frank brown

                I watched the one about restoring a "steam launch" (it started out life as a motor launch). The turner had the difficult job of turning a taper to taper spacer.i.e. the tapered hole in the prop was larger then the tapered end on the prop shaft. He turned the external taper to his satisfaction, then decided to fit it to the prop and then turn the internal taper holding the prop on a face plate to ensure concentricity. As the boss of the prop did not have any proper holding surfaces, he drilled a hole in each blade and bolted the prop to the face plate. I am sure if he had bored the internal taper and turned the external taper before parting off, the two tapers would be concentric enough for the beat up old prop.


                chris stephens

                  I remember when one of the "experts" on that show screwcut a thread for a gate valve, couldn't stop laughing all evening, makes me smile even now at the thought.

                  If you want to know about shafts, props and the fitting of same, take a look at Keith Fenner's YouTube playlist on "Marine Propulsion" at His attention to detail impresses me and I don't impress easily being an old cynic.


                  herbert punter

                    I think the worst one was the tank where the 'Duracell' insisted that it had to have electronic ignition for heavens sake!

                    peter smith 5

                      Did you notice that the "owner" of the steam boat was Adrian Grimmet of L A Services????????. I wonder what happened to it?

                      Where can I buy the instantly drying paint that they seem to use!



                        two things I remember from that farce of a series,

                        when the guy was making the taper adapter for the prop the narrator told us that if he messed it up the project was over,like it was the last bit of bronze in the world and when they were fixing a boiler for the steam boat we were told when the pressure test was being done that if the safety valve didn't lift at the exact pressure the job was over. you can adjust safety valves you idiots!

                        all in all that was the biggest load of rubbish I've seen for a long time.


                        John Stevenson 1

                          It's the American way of injecting drama into a place it has no right to be.

                          Plus the fact that they have to repeat everything after 8 minutes as the average Yank only has a 7 minute attention span.

                          chris stephens

                            Hi John,

                            That must be an adult, their children seem to have even less and ours are rapidly following suit.


                              since when do adult and american belong in the same sentence?


                              Neil Wyatt

                                Please, a little less of the jinogoism (I know some of you guys are English and can't help it…)


                                Dinosaur Engineer

                                  A lot of TV programs are made without the support of "technical experts" ( sometimes with but the recruiting people cannot tell an expert from a layman !). It does make for some hilarious viewing. My wife can't understand why I sometimes burst out laughing !


                                    I expect the "experts" are laughing too – all the way to the Bank!

                                    Jesse Hancock 1

                                      I understand the need for cheap television programs which fill up time. I'm not going to name them all but DIY is generally one theme. Challenge Tommy, the one where they blitz a house to "surprise or help" the owner, The Salvager. They have people who run about collecting stuff to build into the project. It just so happens that there are scrap items in the yard which suite the projects! Better still those willing suppliers who give stuff away or sell at knock down prices. Try that yourself and you are more likely to be arrested for trespass than anything.

                                      The Salvager in my opinion buys perfectly good and usable stuff and then turns it into junk fit only for the scrap heap. When watching the "Salvager" I can't help wonder how he has managed to stay alive and in one piece for so long!

                                      Robbo is partly right but it's more like the presenters and staff that get the lions share. Not to mention the TV station/channel raking in their ads money.

                                      Be that as it may the worst aspect by far is IMHO is how often they repeat the programs. It's bad enough having to watch rolling news where the items can be repeated half a dozen times before the end of the "NEWS?" but to run to same old programs every six months is a darn cheek. I can't wait for them to drop the License then I can stop wasting money.

                                      Forgot: The weather forecast. Come on unless there's two feet of snow who's going to change what they are doing? People like farmers and Yachtsmen who need to know listen to it on the radio.

                                      Personally I look out the window.

                                      Edited By Jesse Hancock 1 on 03/06/2015 08:03:51

                                      Edited By Jesse Hancock 1 on 03/06/2015 08:04:51

                                      Gareth Johnston

                                        Seen this myself on quest .9 days to build up a traction engine , some going….

                                        Bob Rodgerson

                                          Many years ago some of my model engines featured on a programme called model mania, filming took all day both in my workshop and down at the local flying field where I ran them up. The show was aired on Discovery Home & Leisure loads of times, I got nothing for the effort, not even as much as a Video tape (shows how long ago it was) of the episode to keep as a memento.

                                          The film at the field was hilarious because I had to ask one of the guys from the Model flying club if he would man the throttle while I started it. He was pretty scared because the biggest engine he had stood behind was something like 20cc this was 200 cc and swinging a 40" prop.

                                          If anybody here has a copy can you let me have one from it?

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