This “tech” changes constantly Michael.
My Fox Alien was pretty much the best ‘3020’ router you could buy a year or so ago (linear rails + ballscrews on all axis for instance) but things move on. I’d guess the ‘sales life’ of these Chinese-made machines is a year tops, if only because they use volume components that are mass produced in one (maybe two) huge ‘runs’ before completely new ‘updates’ come along.
I experienced this effect many years ago when purchasing high powered PC’s that needed to meet very specific software compatibilities. We specc’ed “named” components (graphics card etc) but got supplied what appeaered to be third party alternatives. It turned out that they were exactly the same, the (US) branded parts were simply badged from the same OEM. The US resellers simply stuck thier own labels on. There was a serious design problem with the motherboard which we reported back, expecting an ECO (fix) to be sent back. It didn’t happen – the OEM had done one ‘run’ of many tens of thousands of that specific board, sold them to PC ‘brand’ names and then moved on to their next motherboarddesign. They had no interest at all in ECOs (Engineering Change orders) that I’d thought of as being the norm within the mini-computer service industry.
In short, it’s most certainly not like a Myford, where the product lasted decades in roughly the same form. 🙂