Suggestions, based on the assumption that reassembly has not resulted in any air leaks.
1 Reduce spark plug gap. The ignition system may not be able to provide a reliable spark with a 0.025" gap.
This may account for the uneven running. The spark that you see with the plug out, may not be available under compression conditions inside the cylinder.
2 The stronger spring for the disc valve may be reducing the period for induction. The fact that you cannot get the mixture to an over rich state, suggests that it may in fact be too weak, which, again will cause uneven running.
BUT Only change one thing at a time. Revert the spark plug gap to 0.012"
If that improves running; with the timing optimised, Change back to the weaker the spring on the disc valve.. If that improves matters, and allows the mixture to be richened, to provide best running; then re optimise the timing. The two settings affect each other. A weak mixture burns more slowly, so requires more advance, but may require a stronger spark to start combustion.
It is process of re iteration, until you get the best result. You will eventually reach a point where small adjustments have little or no effect. Those are the optimum settings.