There are several ways to do this, the guides are effectively steel tubes and the heads are aluminium. The Rower workshop manual says press them out using a special tool, basically a drift. Some pros heat the head up and knock them out and some machine down the guides to reduce the hoop stress where the guide fits. That leaves a step in the bottom of the guide where a drift can be fitted and the old guide pushed out.
I prefer the latter as there is little chance of pick up, which aluminium can be prone to do, and it should be easier to do this than heat the heads (and, of course the guides) up.
I have shortened guides to put in, the head will be warmed up and the guides popped in the deep freeze so all good there. Its just that the steel the old guides are made from is difficult to machine, I have experience of cast stainless and other high grade steels but this stuff has surprised me!