I got this rotary table with a bunch of other stuff many years ago, when I got my milling machine. I took it apart a decade ago, thinking I’d put some graduations on the table and the handle. Well, life got in the way and I’ve only just returned to it. I’m pretty sure it was made by the previous custodian of the milling machine, from a set of castings. It’s not Reeves, Hemingway, CES or any of the usual suspects, I don’t think. Does anyone recognise it?
The only part I’m puzzled about is a random spring washer. This has an inside diameter that matches the OD of the worm gear shaft, but where would it go? Also, there’s no way of ‘preloading’ it by compression, so I’m not sure what purpose it would serve. The other possibility is the bolt holding the table, but the diameter is wrong for this – it’s slightly too large. Any thoughts?