Posted by not done it yet on 12/08/2020 14:02:08:
… A lot of cheap ones were from outside the EU (are deliveries from the EU still treated the same as prior to Brexit?) and …I would not recommend a really cheap R/T from a very remote vendor. Any warranty would be as remote as the vendor, methinks.🙂
I'm of the same opinion, UK Consumer Protection only applies to items bought from commercial suppliers in the UK and EU. Importing privately means the purchaser takes on a shower of risks, including sellers not standing by their product. Good news is they often do, but it's voluntary – if they tell you buzz-off, that's it. The bigger the bargain the bigger the risk. Buying abroad is fine in my book but no tears please if it goes wrong!
NDIY mentions Brexit as if it's happened. Not yet. Today, 21 August, terms are still being negotiated with the EU plus another 21 International trading blocks, such as the USA. It's not going well. With 141 days to go 92% of British exports still aren't covered by a trade deal.
Midnight 31st December, 2020 is the actual exit. High probability given poor progress this close to the deadline it will be a hard exit, so could be rough.
Historic events unfolding and I'd love to be a fly on the wall in government. The risk of economic pain due to unfavourable Brexit deals was always high, and those risks were multiplied out of the blue by Covid. Coronavirus has triggered the worst British recession ever, and is doing similar financial damage to all our trading partners. Not a betting man, but I wouldn't be surprised to find the UK and EU obliged to delay Brexit to a more propitious time. Watch the news – silence often speaks volumes…
Shades of Hotel California, where the Eagles sing:
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!
Bit like a rotary table, spin the handle and it goes around in circles.