Thanks Clive/Jason, I think you are right it did cross my mind but thought it was the engine being tight and not set up correctly. The engine is now set correctly and spinning it over it feels really good, smooth and free so I,m sure it is now ok.
My compressor is an on demand type it doesnt have a tank, it is rated as 40psi and 0.8 cu ft per min. Using it to run the little oscillator it switched on and off but with Jowett it is running full time so I guess thats a sign that it is at its limit.
Anyway, now I know the engine runs ok I will sort a new compressor it will be good for shop use as well.
I dont want a largish type with a large tank, I dont have the room so would have to bring it into the shop when needed and then store it somewhere else.
I have found a bench type compressor with a 6 litre tank, 8 bar and 6.3 cfm I,m guessing that should be fine..?