Hello All,
I am just embarking on my first major Model Engineering project – a 2″ Clayton Undertype wagon. I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction on the subject of model riveting?
The chassis assembly on the clayton is riveted together using 3/32″ iron rivets, which I have been practising furiously on scrap offcuts, using a ball pein hammer and commercially available rivet snaps. The results are improving, the rivet head are nicely formed and closed well, the only problem I am struggling with is getting the heads central – which will be very apparent on the model, as the rivets are in straight lines.
Should I be using different snaps to half form the rivet, prior to the finish snap? Does anyone know of a good book (i.e. workshop practise type book) that I can read up on? Can anyone offer me the benefit of their experience?
Any help gratefully received!