We carry out risk assessments everyday. Those who don't tend to get run over, or cut themselves rather badly.
But shouldn't the HSE boys remove the doors from their offices, in case they trap their fingers? Also, No pens/pencils in case they stab themselves, and no computers because of the risk of R S I?
It all comes down to keeping a sense of proportion.
We should all use common sense, but looking at some of the pronouncements Common Sense isn' t that common anymore.
The danger with the box ticking culture is that it trains people not to think.
There are no signs warn drivers about the child about to run into the road without looking, so we keep aware of what is happening around us, and act accordingly.
So we all need to carry on doing our almost sub conscious risk assessments.
PLEASE don't bring the over zealous HSE culture into our hobby; just think what you are doing and act sensibly.
If you are not sure, DON'T until you have checked and taken advice, (Which is what this Forum provides so well)
In Industry HSE does not allow machinery to be operated solo; which is what we all do as a hobby.
(How many of us have a second person standing by in case of an accident?)