Thanks for the responsed.
To clarify a pew points about my quick and dirty set-up: the plug lead is copper – a bit of a surprise in this day and age. The plug is a CM6 which seems to be recommended for this type of engine and others have success with them. Anyway, the rather unusual 10mm thread is already cut in the head, so I'm stuck with it. The plug cap is the one supplied with it and similarly is recommended elsewhere.
To test, using all three hands, the plug body was held against the mounting lug on the coil and the black wire from the battery pack was used to make and break the contact, again to the coil's mounting lug. I certainly got a spark at the electrodes but not as fat as I would have liked. I was assured that the coil was 6V when I bought it – but who knows?
The thing I was unsure about was whether the condenser was connected to the right things and in the correct orientation. I can't fit it at the points for lack of space. Worryingly, I was getting a far bigger LT spark, on make and break, than the HT one.
Like most people, I have drawers full of mains chargers for various, long-forgotten, appliances. However, not one of them is rated above 7.5 V and 150mA. So, not much help there. I may have to use jump leads from the lawnmower, which has a 12V battery and shares the workshop!
What is exercising my mind, looking forward a bit, is the I would like the whole thing to be self-sufficient as a unit (within battery capacity) and a 12V lead/acid battery is going to be completely out of scale and impossible to conceal without mounting the engine on a disproportionately large box, rather than the skid that I had planned. What on earth do other people do?
I had a look a the buzz-coil thread. Loads of references to these on the internet but all written in terms that make my eyes glaze over.
Now, about that advertising banner on the right…..