Hi Norman,
The ignition is another thing that I have changed. I intend to use the same arrangement that I have used on my two previous engines. It is based on an RCEXL CDI similar to the one recommended at the end of the ME articles.
Instead of all the cutouts around the 40T gear, I have cut a channel into the side plate on the other side as shown in the photo in my album. The channel will contain the hall effect device and the wiring leading to it.
The magnet will be glued into a ring attached to the crankshaft by a grubscrew to allow it to be rotated to adjust the timing.
The CDI and a battery box containing 4xAA rechargeable cells are attached to the underside of the base plate. Sorry I can’t show you on this forum because I can only upload jpg files and Alibre CAD produces pdf. Maybe if we used HMEM we could do it.
Anyway, that works for the other engines. Of course it will fire every stroke but that is no problem, the same thing happens on my Triumph.
If you would like the pdf, send me an email and I will reply to it.
And I note that you intend to use petrol. I have built the gas demand valve but I don’t think I will use it. Instead, I will use one of Jan Ridders’ vapour carbs. They are simple and they work ok.