Project Update – For those who may be interested I have attached some photos of the beefed-up version of my Myford cross slide mounted saw bench. The mods can be summarised as follows.
1) Table support pillar now made from a length of 1” diameter bar in place of the earlier ¾“ bar.
2) The lower end of the pillar is now held by a 7/8” thick slab of 80mm dia cast iron bolted to the cross slide by two Myford Tee bolts mounted in the first slot but with the pillar now moved closer to the axis of the saw thus reducing the overhang. This is in replacement of the single fixing via a 4” long bolt passing through the ¾” pillar into a single Tee nut.
3) The upper pillar mount attached to the underside of the table is now supported by seven ¼” BSF fixings in place of the original three.
4) The pillar is held tight in its upper and lower mountings using 1/4” BSF bolts grounded on flats milled onto the bar.
5) A length of 1/8” steel angle is now used as an intermediate pressure pad between the work piece and the clamping bar.
6) Thumb screw holding down bolts now replaced by cap headed screws.
Final act was to replace the somewhat questionable 3/64” thk slitting saw with a new unit bought from RDG. The net result is a far more rigid set up capable of sawing 0.032” BMS sheet using the cross slide auto feed.
Not quite perhaps to brick built mausoleum standards but considerably more massive than the earlier arrangement and appears to have done the trick.