James I don’t want to burst your bubble, but unless your mill has LOTS of torque and very low speeds, you may find you will not be able to tap much under power. For non powered alignments ie tapping immediately after drilling without moving the table, you can’t beat doing that in the mill.
In my experience taps larger than say 1/4″-20 need a LOT of torque, and taps below #10-32 will break easily in steel if power tapping. I have not had much luck power tapping in my RF30 Taiwan mill. My old South Bend lathe is great for tapping though.
When I first started work the shop I was in had a jig borer with a 20 HP motor and spindle speed down to 2 rpm. On that unit, we tapped from #2-56 up to 3/4″-10 under power regularly. It weighed about 8 tons and was super heavy cast iron construction though.