Well, I ended up junking the soft start and bought a couple of cheapo 15a speed controllers from Amazon (£13 for two). I stripped down my spare grinder and wired the motor into the speed controller, it ran perfectly at all speeds. The only problem was, the circuit board is much too large to fit inside the grinder housing.
So I removed the heat sinks and ran the test again, it still ran fine. After that I removed the terminal block and cut the board down to a size that would fit.
And this is where it all went wrong. I installed the board and hard-wired the connections by soldering. Somewhere along the way I messed up and when I test-ran the motor it blew the internal fuse in the battery.
No problem, I have two so I fitted a new fuse in the battery and wired in the second unit. That too worked perfectly so this time I carefully un-solderded the heat sinks and instead of hard-wiring the lead sI soldered the terminals I had removed from the first board onto the second one and once again wired in the motor. This time it did nothing until I turned up the speed pot at whic time it sprang into life at full speed and I found that using the speed controller pot had no effect.
So it seems that either I am cooking components whist removing the heat sinks (unlikely as I was un-doing the tab screw first) or when soldering tabs on the board, or it's simply that the first test without a heat sink was fine but the transistor was on it's way out already and the second test finished it off.
I'm not done yet, I have ordered a different style of speed contoller which hopefully I will be able to shoe-horn into the casing with much less modification.